Josué Santiago
Senior Pastor
Josué has an apostolic calling and anointing that has impacted the nations. He is sent to preach the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and to heal the sick and bring hope to a generation that is desperate for the love of God!

John Ault
Associate Pastor
John is one of our associate pastors and is also over our worship ministry. John is also on staff and helps to oversee building maintenance, bookkeeping, and other aspects.
Joel Cañamar
Family Pastor
Joel is one of our associate pastors, along with his wife, Soraya. They are our family pastors. Joel oversees our Starting Points class and Wednesday evening services as well as others.

Soraya Cañamar
Family Pastor
Soraya is one of our associate pastors, along with her husband, Joel. They are our family pastors. Soraya also helps to oversee our Children's Ministry.

Jeff VanDine
Associate Pastor
Jeff is one of our associate pastors and also helps oversee intercessory prayer teams.
Staff & Ministry Leaders
Angee Perry – Church Administrator
Heather Reavley – Media Director
Angee Perry – Church Administrator
Heather Reavley – Media Director
Joel & Audra Mathews - Youth Ministry
Ronda Graham – Children’s Ministry
Leyanet Santiago - Women's Ministry
Justin Carpenter - Men's Ministry
Joel & Audra Mathews - Youth Ministry
Ronda Graham – Children’s Ministry
Leyanet Santiago - Women's Ministry
Justin Carpenter - Men's Ministry