Spiritual DNA Training

We are living in a time where it takes strong spiritual leaders who can bring healing and order into our lives. God is calling us to rise up and take our place in His divine plan. Are you ready to stir up your spiritual gifts? Do you want to grow in the calling that God has on your life?

In-Person Training

Online Training

Next Scheduled Training: September 3-October 22
Tuesdays 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Next Scheduled Training:  TBD
Thursdays via Zoom Call 6:30-8:00pm
Cost: $100

What does this training cover?

This course is geared towards both your spiritual and physical growth. We cover a variety of areas that target your spirit, soul, and body.


  • Discovering your God-given gifts
  • Our nature, sin, grace, etc.

Spiritual Warfare

Learn how to properly do battle in the spirit and take back what the enemy has stolen from you and your family.

Leadership Core Values

Discover leadership values and how to implement them in your life.

Inner Healing

Break every chain of bondage in your life. Get completely set free so that you can be who God has called you to be a positive impact to those around you.

Prophetic Impartation

Our Company of Prophets will pray over you and release an impartation.

Financial Stewardship

Gain better understanding about finances in the Kingdom. Learn how to steward what you have been given.

What are the requirements?

  • In order to complete this training, you cannot miss more than 1 class. If you do miss more than one, you will not be able to receive your certificate of completion but you may have the opportunity to register again for the next scheduled DNA Training to finish the classes that you missed and receive your certificate.
  • Part of the training requires going on a ministry trip whether local, national, or international. We have ministry trip team leaders who will reach out to you to discuss potential upcoming trips and answer all your questions.
  • You will need to select a disciple from someone you know that has not gone through our Spiritual DNA Training. You will be discipling this person during your training and they will have the opportunity to attend the graduation ceremony with you.
  • You will need to purchase and read "The Bondage Breaker" book by Neal T. Anderson and complete a workbook that we will provide to you.
  • You will then schedule a 7-Steps to Freedom in Christ session with our STFC Team (this will be scheduled outside of your normally scheduled class times).